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Limited Edition Fractal Designs for your Desktop
Limited Edition Fractal Designs for your Desktop

Monday 11 August 2008

Why Mahjong IMPAH Rules?

The four of us have been playing Mahjong together for several years. We have always had great fun but been a little frustrated at the multitude of different rule sets in use. They range from exhaustingly complicated to over simplified, varying from one country to another and the period they were written.

A while back we heard that a new international standard set of rules had been written, one of the advantages was said to be that all players could now play the same game.

We bought a book on the new rules only to discover that the new ‘standard’ had been made horrendously complex with any given hand having the same tiles scoring multiple times in some cases.

Ironically we went from searching for a standard set of rules to compiling our own!

We set ourselves the goal of designing a set of rules that kept much of the traditional play while keeping the game manageable and accessible to new players. We managed to distil the game play down to one double sided page making it portable and convenient to refer to when playing.

So here they are; the ‘Mahjong IMPAH Rules’, we hope they will give you an enjoyable game!

Ian, Mel, Peter And Hilary

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